Sverigedemokraterna #1: islam bättre än kapitalism
Ifall någon skulle känna sig charmad av Jimmy Åkessons flirt med kristendomen, tänk igen. (Jag syftar på hans kritik av upplysningen och det västerländska samhället, inklusive hans underförstådda beklagande över att sekularismen privatiserat den kristna tron). Meditera exempelvis över teologen Paul J Griffiths tankar om islam, publicerade på hans blogg så sent som igår:
"Muslims are genealogically intimate with us; we share with them much, and we have much to learn from them. I hope that this genealogical affinity can extend to an elective one: I hope, that is, that we Christians will increasingly choose to see Muslims as allies and affines against the deadening and bloody weight of late-capitalist democracy. It would be better, I think, for the Church to live under the constraints and difficulties of an Islamic state, violent and restrictive though these can be (as they are, for instance, in Saudi Arabia), than to return with ever more passion, as it is increasingly doing, the bodysnatching embrace of late-capitalist democracy."
"Muslims are genealogically intimate with us; we share with them much, and we have much to learn from them. I hope that this genealogical affinity can extend to an elective one: I hope, that is, that we Christians will increasingly choose to see Muslims as allies and affines against the deadening and bloody weight of late-capitalist democracy. It would be better, I think, for the Church to live under the constraints and difficulties of an Islamic state, violent and restrictive though these can be (as they are, for instance, in Saudi Arabia), than to return with ever more passion, as it is increasingly doing, the bodysnatching embrace of late-capitalist democracy."
Vad tror du kopter eller kristna i irak/iran säger om detta citat?
Joel K
perverteringen av så väl kristendom och islam har ofta med inflytande från moderna företeelser som nationalism att göra. men det är klart att bröderna träter, sorgligt men sant...
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